2:16 AM

Prasanth. A.V

Born in kerala, prasanth took his Diplomain fine arts from kerala School of art, Tellicherry and diploma in Sculpture ,Prasanth participated in various art exhibtions. He also does murals, sulpture, cartoons and experiment with kinetic arts.prasanth lives and works in Delhi.works india and abroad. My primary influence has always been nature. Marking from the green environments of Kerala, I grew up in close proximity to nature unfettered. Later exposure to the myriad facets of life which incessantly swirl around and artist, particularly in the diversity and variety of India, has added richness and multiplicity to my experience and to my paintings, which are nothing but my (considered and conditional) response to life and it’s eternal vagaries. My paintings embrace both aspects of life – the good and the bad, the negative and the positive, the beautiful, and the ugly, the light and the dark. They are driven, and derive from the same eternal flux and the struggle between the twin opposing principles that all life owes it’s existence to that so bewilders us, amazes us, but ultimately creates and sustains us.

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