10:39 PM

Clayton Rabelo

Clayton Ramos Rabelo (Clayton Rabelo)
Cartoonist, Brazil

Cartoonist born in 1978, São Paulo (Brasil), has been working with visual arts (design) since 2003. Since this time has been present in some art exhibitions including important lectures concerning humour drawings in national and international affair.

There are many of his artworks published in books, newspapers and so on.

He also had great participation as a teacher in social projects, therefore spreading knowledge for people in different ages and background.


8º Salão de Humor de Cerquilho São Paulo (2009) 3º LUGAR

II Festimenc Sorrialengo Rio de Janeiro/RJ (2009) MENÇÃO HONROSA

Austrian Cartoon Award Áustria(2008) PUBLIC AWARD

6th FreeWebCartoons CHINA(2007) SELECTED PRIZE

12º Salón Mercosur Diógenes Taborda ARGENTINA(2007) 1ºMENCIÓN

5º Salão Humor de Mogi Guaçu(2007) 2ºLUGAR

5th FreeWebCartoonsWeb CHINA(2006) BRONZE PRIZE

XIV Salão Internacional de Desenho para imprensa RS(2006) MENÇÃO

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